The last two days of Curitiba came and went in a blink of an eye. Thursday morning we woke up and arrived early morning to head back to the farm with Dr. Ferrari. He took us to the dairy cattle and presented us with a row of about 20 plus cows. This is when the questioning began and he quizzed us on the signs of pregnancy and different stages. It turned out we remembered quite a bit from Dr. Hill and Husbandry because Dr. Ferrari was impressed when we identified the cow about to give birth. We spent the morning practicing rectal palpations on all of them while he taught us the different stages in pregnancy and what we should be feeling. Some were incredibly difficult and in others, you could "see" so much! For someone like me who has no experience in large animal medicine, it was amazing how much I learned and, even more, enjoyed. As a special treat, he let us perform a vaginal palpation on the cow that was less than 10 hours from birthing. This was one of the most incredible experiences of my trip. I couldn't believe how much I could feel, the calf's legs were right there! I am so thankful for him and his incite into such an unknown field for me. It was a wonderful morning and was sad when it ended.

(I am performing a vaginal palpation on the left. To the right we are with Dr. Ferrari.)
That afternoon I hung out in radiography. This is not my favorite area but the residents and technicians were grateful to have time with us. We talked a lot and learned a lot, including how to place/hold an owl to get an image of a broken wing. Leaving that afternoon was bittersweet knowing that the following day we would use our time to explore Curitiba rather than enjoy the company of those at the hospital.
(The Imaging and Exotic Residents placing an owl for radiographs)
It turned out to be the perfect ending to our trip though. We explored the Opera House, several parks and finally went to a local Churrasco restaurant for my fellow classmates. I'm going to be honest, as a vegetarian, an "all you can eat" Brazilian BBQ joint is not my idea of a good time. However, everyone else seemed to love every second of it. It was an experience but one that helped ease me into the inevitable departure the next day. Clearly, I was ready to return stateside; well after our last stop...Rio de Janiero, get ready!
(Left: Sara and Rica loving life and Brazilian BBQ. Right: Last night with my wonderful host, Carol.)
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